Meet our principals

High School Principal Mark Showers

If you prepare well you will have 60 years to reap the benefits, but if you prepare poorly you will have 60 years to suffer the consequences. - Dr. Ben Carson Prepare Well Camp Verde!

- Mr. Showers, Principal CVHS

Mrs. Erin LeBeau

Middle school is a unique time of growth filled with celebrations, challenges, and setbacks. Always remember this, CVMS students: “Believe you can and you are halfway there.” -Theodore Roosevelt

- Mrs. Erin LeBeau, Principal CVMS

Principal Campbell

If you're going to live, leave a legacy. Make a mark on the world that can't be erased. - Maya Angelou

- Ms. Jaclyn Campbell, Principal CVES

photo coming soon

Photo and Spotlight coming soon!

- Mrs. Nicole Rowley, CVO/Accommodation Director